• Question: Have you ever been told you're a bad scientist?

    Asked by ells:) to Matt, Deborah on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Deborah Aitken

      Deborah Aitken answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      A lot of being a scientist is being told what’s wrong with your work. There’s a lot of reviews that happen especially when you want to publish your results and its VERY rare that everyone likes what you’ve written. However then you get to re-write things and it makes sure that only good science is published (most of the time).

    • Photo: Matthew Lee

      Matthew Lee answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Like Deborah says, when you go to publish your work other expert scientists will look at it and say whats bad about it and then you need to go and do those bits again. But it’s not really being told you’re a bad scientist its more trying to tell you what you need to do to make this a better bit of science. I got told i was rubbish at western blots the other day because it didnt work, and it’s true. i am hopeless at western blots at the moment, going through a rough patch on my western blot front. But I also got told i’m good with cells as I havent killed any….yet!
