• Question: what have you achieved whilst being a scientist?

    Asked by mia:)x to Samantha, Matt, Deborah, Adele, Adam on 14 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Adele Wratten

      Adele Wratten answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      I’m really proud of the work I did for a new flood defence scheme in North Wales. The project played a really important part in supporting the local economy and bringing tourism back to the area, which had previously been struggling. It’s so rewarding to know you’ve helped make a real difference to peoples’ lives!

    • Photo: Matthew Lee

      Matthew Lee answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Not much really. All of the science i do is what we call basic science and so it doesnt have many real world impact to begin with as we only really look at proteins and cells at a small scale (only one protein in one cell for example). But when our science is combined with results from lots of other basic scientists then we can have an impact by putting together an idea for a medicine.

      I am organising a science fair in bristol (Big Bang Bristol) for students and its taking a lot of time so when that is finished it will be a big achievement as i will have done a lot of work to pull it off!
