• Question: how many paramedics are scincetist

    Asked by boo to Adam on 22 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Adam Hargreaves

      Adam Hargreaves answered on 22 Jun 2017:

      Hi boo,
      All Paramedics will need to know a lot of different aspects of science. The obvious one is biology, they’ll need to know how to assess someone who needs treatment so they can tell the nurses and doctors when they get them to the hospital, and usually they’ll also have to fix things at the scene (so if there’s a car crash for example). That needs a detailed knowledge of the human body and how it works. They’ll also need some chemistry, for example when they give medicines to a patient they need to know how much to give them and whether they can give it to them or not. They’ll also need some physics, things like oxygen tanks are all under pressure, and they’ll need to know what to set that to so it comes out into the oxygen mask at the right speed. So I’d say all of them, and they work extremely hard at a job that probably is not very nice most of the time!
