• Question: If you were to invent something or make medicine what would you do it for and why?

    Asked by LILLY.K to Matt, Deborah, Adam on 12 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by 866actj46.
    • Photo: Matthew Lee

      Matthew Lee answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      If i was going to invent something I would invent a way of sequencing (this means reading) the genome, epigenome, metabalome, and proteome (google these theyre very cool!) of every single cancer cell in a patients tumour. This is because every single cancer cells is different within a single tumour, we call this inter-tumour heterogeneity, and each cancer cell therefore would be attacked best with different medication/treatments and we call this personalised medicine or precision medicine. We are getting very close to being able to do this, and people do now get personalised medicine for specific types of cancers.
