• Question: Why do we have bacteria in our body ?

    Asked by DeSousaF to Adam, Deborah, Matt, Samantha on 22 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Adam Hargreaves

      Adam Hargreaves answered on 22 Jun 2017:

      Simply put because they’re everywhere, and because inside our body is actually a great place for them to grow, it’s warm, it’s moist, and there’s lots of sources of food they can live off. They also help us in many ways, like helping us to digest our food, and stopping other disease-causing bacteria from being able to grow well in our bodies. This is why there’s a lot of interest in pro-biotic drinks/yogurts etc.

      If you’re interested in finding out more there’s a great book by Ed Yong called “I contain multitudes” which is all about the microbes living in us.

    • Photo: Matthew Lee

      Matthew Lee answered on 22 Jun 2017:

      To add to what Adam said, one of the reasons is that we evolved to have them inside our bodies. Evolution has made it so that it is better for us to have bacteria inside of us than not have it inside us. If it was bad for us to have the bacteria in us then we would try and get rid of it, thats what happens when you get sick. When a bad bacteria gets inside you your bodies response is to try and get rid of it as quickly as possible so it makes you throw up everywhere!
